The Dilemma of Career Stability
Some job candidates are penalized for too much job switching displayed on their résumé, while others are labeled ‘stagnant’ for staying too long in one job. However, in today’s world, recruiters and hiring executives say that two years at a job is about the minimum length of employment you should stay. This standard of job stability varies by age and field of profession. Employers like longer track records in financial and purely corporate professionals. However, sometimes the recruiters in the field of technology, arts, advertising and communication tolerate, and rather encourage more job-hopping. Also, when you are younger, frequent job switching is more acceptable than when you are older and much experienced. On the other hand, more than ten years at the same company may be too long and disadvantageous. When a candidate has been at one company for a longer time period, the concern often is that the person is stalled in his career and is not expanding his skills aggressively enough. Moreover, there is another fear that no matter how qualified the candidate is he would not be able to adapt to a new company if he has been at another one for too long.
However, the question which would pop up in minds of the people who are reading this article is that if staying at a job for a longer period of time is so important, then how exactly can an employee be able to practice career stability?
Useful Tips To Pursue Career Stability
Even when changing industries and technologies and the crests and troughs of the market pressurize to make us out-of-date, it is likely to have a longer, more dynamic and satisfying career. Following are five helpful suggestions through which you can pursue career stability:
Career Planning
Career planning makes a person to think suitably about their positive and negative aspects. All about their interest and their creativity becomes possible through properly analyzing ourselves. Think what we want to do and finding out more about the kind of training, education and skills we will need to achieve our career goal is the core objective of career planning. Identify exactly where you want to be in the next five years and then break down the steps you need to take to get there. However, if you do not have a plan to start with, you will run the risk of being bounced around.
Effective Communication
If you think you do not need writing proficiency or social skills on your job right now, you might need those skills in order to move up or just to maintain your job. Professional career experts say that the people who get ahead are more outgoing, more assertive, carry themselves with confidence and communicate well. Even if you are shy, you can still stretch yourself by taking a business communication/writing class and there are also some organizations that can help you practice public speaking.
Career Networking
Even in the best of economic times, there is no position, company or even a career, is completely safe. When employers are hiring new staff, their first inclination is typically towards employee referrals or internal searches. Both the job seekers and professionals need to have a network of contacts that can provide them support, information and any new job. By continually networking with people in your company, and also outside your company, in your profession and outside your profession, you can increase your opportunities and knowledge exponentially and seize opportunities you would not ordinarily hear about.
Suitable Flexibility
Being flexible about career planning and career management is very important. In addition to career planning and identifying exactly where you want to be, also create a more general plan, a sort of ‘plan B’, of personal ethics, job characteristics, pay scale, duties and work environment that would be satisfying, just in case you longer have the job you want. Career experts say that with a broader master plan that suits your needs; you will be able to take advantage of other opportunities, maybe even better opportunities, which align with your overall values and goals.
Continue Learning
You must keep learning new things in order to broaden your horizon in your professional field. Once you start learning something new, you will become excited about your job again. You may have all the skills you need to do the job you have now. However, if you want to move up the ladder of career growth, you will definitely need a broader range of skills. You should take a good look at the job qualifications of the position you want and get the necessary training for it. But do not expect your company to train you and manage your career. These days you will probably have to pay for the training you need. However, if you choose to keep learning during your professional life, it will turn out to be one of the best things you can do.
Career Stability – A Synopsis
Although, career stability is a situational factor and also varies from one individual to another. However, its importance cannot be undermined. One of the basic ways to reach suitable stability in job is by keeping yourself refreshed and updated. A fresher approach towards your career may lead you to a longer and more progressive stay at your employment. Volunteer for new duties. There may be new opportunities in your own organization that let you stretch your abilities and extend your skills. By participating in such volunteering opportunities, not only that you will learn new skills, you will also be automatically networking and socializing with others in your field, especially those who were not on your radar before.
Above all, raise a question to yourself, whether you have the passion and commitment for the career you have chosen. Career length distinguishes successful long tenures from unsuccessful short stints and partially reflects the contributions of an employee to the goals of the employer. There are well-defined standards that quantify career stability and productivity, which together contribute to the overall success rating for an individual employee.